Saturday, February 16, 2008

Do You Support PWB?

No, this is not a request to open your wallet. LOL.

If you want to help me (your blog manager) and want to help PWB, then please make a point to stop in and visit (and comment) on the work of at least one poet listed in the featured poet list on the sidebar.

Thank you for making PWB work. By encouraging your fellow poets you help to grow their confidence to post online and that adds to the amount of available poetry to read for free in the world.

If you aren't interested in visiting any of the blogs listed in the sidebar, ever, then you should not be on our blogroll, as you misread the post at the start of this blog, which states the intent of PWB.

A big thanks to every poet and other blogger who has helped this site over the last year. This site is here to benefit you, as a poet who blogs, not me. I was thrilled with my personal poetry blog before I ever started this site. I have met wonderful bloggers through there who supported me.
I wanted to have a place where others could find friends that would do the same.

Don't let PWB die. As much as I like bringing you poetry news and taking part in fun things like Poetry Tag the true purpose of this site is to find at least one additinal reader for every blog on the blogroll. That being said, anyone in the I Promise program is a rock star, to me, because they are putting in motion weekly the true intent of this blog. But you can help in a smaller way. Click on one of the blogs in the featured poet section, once a week, and let a poet know you stopped in and read their work.

Like so many other things in the world, PWB only works if people commit to putting in a little time and effort. Give PWB five minutes this week and visit one of the blogs listed.

Thanks so much for all your help. This is the end of your service announcement. This was just a warning, should this have been an actual emergency you would see DANGER! DANGER! flashing in red. LOL.

PWB Archives


Anonymous said...


It appears that Once a Poet, but Knot Keats is no longer up and running.

writerwoman said...

Thank you, Pam!

I'll remove that site. Thanks for helping to make PWB better.


Mark Folse said...

Life has been spiraling out of contorl (work, family, assembling a book out of my old prose blog about New Orleans, and so I have been a bad boy. Thank you for your vist and kind words, and I will make a point of visiting *at least* one of the blogs in the roll if not a couple over the next several nights. Thank you for hosting this blog, and worrying over us to keep this good idea running.

Anonymous said...

How do you get featured on PWB?

Anonymous said...

Hi writerwomen,you left a couple of comments on my blog and I wanted to thank you for your support. My poems have caused a bit of controversy with some "poets" who write very differently from me,as I apparently should not call myself a poet, but hey I'm a feisty lady and it makes me more determined to stand my ground.
I would love to join your group and help support "poets who blog" if by any chance your interested.
Once again thankyou for your support.
stacey (poetry by stacey)

Anonymous said...

By the way, I hope you don't mind, I've added a link on my blog to your site.


writerwoman said...

Welcome Stacey! We are thrilled to have a new poet on our blogroll. Please read our mission statement

To be a poet in good standing at PWB, all you have to do is comment on at least one blog on our blogroll each week. Then you help to power PWB and make this site work for all of us.

I'll post all the poetry news I come across, offer prompts and highlight poets on our list from time to time.

Thanks for supporting PWB. You can email me at about anything poetry related.

Your Blog Manager,


writerwoman said...

Thanks for checking in, Mark. Thanks for agreeing to review.

Walden, most times I pick the poets. If a post is titled Read or Meet and a poets name, I picked that poet to feature.

If you put the word Peek into the search engine on this blog, those poets sent in poems and I highlighted them at their request, in most cases.

Sometimes another poet suggests someone and I consider spotlighting the poet.

If you want to be spotlighted or know a poet you think should be then send me a poem to and I will let you know.

Thanks for taking the time to visit PWB

Crafty Green Poet said...

I'm really enjoying browsing all the blogs listed here and I'm commenting as often as i can.

Is it worth suggesting that people on the blog roll should open their comments to all readers? It can be quite annoying to visit a blog listed here, read something i like and then find that comments are restricted to team members or that you need to log in to comment. Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

When I think about encouraging/supporting poets, which I do (think) from time to time, I'm not sure that visiting their sites and leaving comments is supportive. It's satisfying to receive comments, especially compliments, but that doesn't expose new readers or expand the poetry market. It's just the same pocket of poets looking at each other. 'Bolts of Silk', 'New Verse News', and 'Poetry Daily' are good vehicles for increasing poetry exposure but they themselves are difficult to promote. Poetry journals would be good if they weren't so focused on the kind of academic butt scratching that makes your hair hurt. What we need is to get poetry into newspapers, magazines, radio and TV news. Not as a special feature but as a regular way to communicate ideas. I think that would be supporting poets.

The above being said I do enjoy visiting poet's sites, especially those who actually post poetry, and have time for about a half dozen a week. Coming up with useful comments is a separate problem.

writerwoman said...

Mike Mc, yes I agree it would be geat if the world at large had more poetry in it.

The way I think comments do encourage adding more poetry to the world, even if it is not to all people in the world, is that when a poet is encouraged and knows that someone is reading their work they will create more.

Poems are being written that never would have been. To my way of thinking that is a good thing.

I think it would be amazing if poetry became a part of the average person's world, like being able to read it in a daily newspaper, and I would lend my efforts to any project that tried to put poetry out into the world.

When we band together online, joining our efforts worldwide, it really is a powerful force. I don't know that PWB will be the place that harnesses that force in the way you mention though.

Thanks for lending your thoughts and helping to make this site better.


writerwoman said...

Crafty Green Poet, yes that is a good idea. I haven't read across any blogs on our blogroll that only allow members to comment. That would defeat the whole purpose of PWB. The ones that make you sign in either are trying to avoid spam, or unaware that it is cutting down on the abilty of others to comment.

I will make a post mentioning it though, in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.


Crafty Green Poet said...

I'm just going to comment on Mikes comment. As the editor of Bolts of Silk, I've not found it that difficult to promote, its listed in several online poetry sites and this has brought in large amounts of quality poetry from across the world, its certainly not the same group of poets talking to each other. I also make fliers that i put out around Edinburgh, including sneaking them into books I give away to second hand shops.

In Edinburgh, our Poetry Library is doing a great job in extending the appeal of poetry, holding reading groups, poets readings and lots of events and exhibitions as well as getting out into schools (which is a really important activity).

In the UK, there are several newspapers that publish poetry and we have projects that put poetry into public transport and in doctors waiting rooms.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Sorry me again. Just to say (again in response to Mike's comment) I think that visiting other poets blogs is hugely supportive. I would have given up blogging quickly if I hadn't got comments and I know I wouldn't write as much if I wasn't blogging.