Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Question for all members of PWB

If I was to change the Recently Updated Section to Poet of the Day and list one blog, changing every day or few days, would you be more likely to visit that one blog? Or does the recently updated section work for you?

Comment. Make PWB work.

Your Blog Manager,



Crafty Green Poet said...

I visit here most days and try to visit all the blogs listed under Recently Updated, I usually comment too. Poet of the Day is a nice idea though...

Anonymous said...

does this qualify as poetry?

I read her almost everyday and love the way she has with her words :)

Anonymous said...

btw way, the one who posted above was me - Shree

Dániel Dányi said...

well, i guess it's better for all of us to have more updated poet-blogs than less...
why not rename "recently updated" to "poets of the day", has a nicer ring to it, no?

STP said...

I like it as is. I admit that I might not visit all, but I do try to go to a couple or three if I can.

Ralph Murre said...

I do appreciate "recently updated" as it is. The links list has become soooo long that I certainly can't sift through much of it regularly, and I know what a job it is for you. "Poet of the Day" may be a bit too narrow. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have many of the brogroll in my blogroll too. So I visit them frequently. I think, "Poet of the day" is a good idea. Maybe, you can consider "poet of the week". That would give us more time to browse through that poet's blog.

writerwoman said...

Shree, I checked out that site. I liked the second stanza in the poem called The Favor, thanks for directing us there.

writerwoman said...

Thanks everyone for the advice on The Recently Updated Section. I will keep working on improving it.

Anonymous said...

I mostly read PWB via my feedreader, so I only check out the site when you post reminding me to, or when I go to comment. XD

Anonymous said...

I do always check the ones on there. Either way it would be nice.

susan said...

Both titles work for me.

qualcosa di bello said...

i like the list the way it is, but i do like daniel's title idea.