Thursday, August 07, 2008

Heavy summer air plays tag
with thin cool ocean breezes
They chase carefree through tree tops
carrying shouts of beachgoers
who are just out of site.

I inhale the scene
savoring it like the scent of a lover's hair
I taste the sea salt
spiced with the timber planks
layed before me in a twisted path

which decants me from woods to sand
while wings of evening
wrap around it all
turning the sky amber
and making a moment a dream

By Jenn from Drawings in the Sand.

This is a Jigsaw Poem, using words donated by other members of PWB. You can take part by looking at the instructions in the post below.

Thank you, Jenn, for taking part.


Anonymous said...

This poem really creates a sense of place -- great details.

Anonymous said...

The strong word choices make this poem one that engages the five senses. You can nearly taste, hear, smell, touch, see the images described, as if you are there and not just reading about it. Thanks for allowing us to post it here at PWB.

The Mad Dog said...

I have a strong urge to hastily convey myself to the deep blue wine.