Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Twelve Day of Poetry

Christmas Poem for Bloggers

Christmas for Bloggers, I write this for thee

So many stories, for all us to read

My story starts here, in a Florida town.

With lights and a tree, many present around.

The neighborhood homes, decorated with lights,

Each RV with its trinkets, light up the night.

On my site is a reindeer, Rudolph I know

In addition some candy-canes, and a big red tied bow.

Down the street is a snow globe that lights up the lane

I think the owner’s looking, for some minutes of fame.

Each car that drives by, slows down by her house

She’s out on the doorstep, dressed up like a mouse.

Her costume from Halloween, so I shutter to think

What bottle she takes from the cabinet to drink.

She waves to the cars as they drive by real slow

On occasion I’ve seen her, just dressed in a bow.

Tonight it is different perhaps she is straight

She’s dressed in an outfit that looks really great

It’s a red and white pant-suite with a big red felt hat

If you look at her sideways she looks kind of fat.

But jolly she is, as she stands by the door

Waving to cars, as they pass by for more.

She’s yelling to everyone, anyone in her sight.

Happy Holidays to you, and have a great night.

by ofiact. To visit Ofiact's Blog please click here


Thanks for sharing, ofaict.

There is one more poem left in the Twelve Days of Poetry. A bonus poem for this last day. Check it out later tonight.

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