Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Updated-New I Promise List

We have a brand new I Promise Blogroll. These poets will visit each other every Thursday and comment on each other's work:

The Poetic Soul List

Jane Doe from Jane's Writing
Just Someone from Poetic Endeavors
Lawrence from Crowned with Laurels
One More Believer from Piece of Pie ala Mode

You must have at least 20 poems on your site and update regulary to join. You can read about the I Promise concept here. I'll make another list if more people are interested or shuffle members around if a list goes dormant. Let me know.

We have several other lists already made:

The Heart of a Poet List
The Poet Within List
Poetic License List
The Beauty in Words List
The Pay it Forward List

Thanks to all the bloggers who support PWB.

Note- I mistakenly added Winter Reading from the blog Poet Mouse to this list when the poet hadn't meant to join. So that blog has been removed.

We are looking for more poets to join the Pay It Forward List.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to get involved, sign me up.I don't lack poems,(over 100) and I have readers. But so few comments. I want to participate.


writerwoman said...

Sounds good. I will add you to the list.


Anonymous said...

In Pay it forward, It seems there is only me and Angelica. We need more. scott hardly ever posts any more. You can add lawrence to it and two more. I think we should have at least five members.

Anonymous said...

thank you, i look forward to participating...

writerwoman said...

Gautami Tripathy,

I will put up a post soon to try and find some more members for your list.

Thanks for letting me know.