Saturday, May 19, 2007

It's Poetry Carnival Time!

Would you like to find more readers for your Poetry blog?

In the spirit of meeting new poets and getting exposure for as many blogs as possible, this site will be hosting a Poetry Carnival.

The idea is to send in a entry with a link to your personal favorite poem on your blog.

I will list all of these links on May 26 . The deadline to submit is May 25, midnight. ( Just so that I get it before I put the post up.)

The Rules:

1. Submit one post from your poetry blog.

2. The poem must be in English.

3. Send your submissions to

Each post should include:

The name of your blog.

Your blog's URL.

The name of the post and it's corresponding URL.

Your screen name.

This Poetry Carnival is held in conjuction with
The Ringing of the Bards, which is run by the always helpful and supportive Billy the Blogging Poet.

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